Searching for romance on the world wide web? Best read this first


One of the main complaints about the world of online dating is that the rules of normal dating etiquette don’t always apply.

People tend to act differently when faced with the relative anonymity of the Internet and seeing as we’re dealing with emotional issues here, this confusion can often cause some heartache.

Apart from learning to deal with the fact that some women will simply act in ways that are by no means socially acceptable anywhere outside of the Internet, you can help make the world a better place by not making the same mistakes yourself. Not to sound like Miss Manners or anything, but by treating the women you meet online in the same way you’d want to be treated in person you can set a good example for others to follow, making everyone’s experience a little bit better.

One of the key issues is honesty.  When dating online, most women nowadays keep their options open by going on a few dates with a few different women, before making a decision.  This is so common that many assume it to be universally understood, but sometimes it’s not clear enough. You want to avoid a situation where either or your date assume you’re onto something exclusive when nothing is certain yet. While you’re not expected to start your first date with an explanation of your dating habits, if you’re continuing past the third date with someone while continuing to see other women, it could be helpful to gently assess the situation and ensure you’re both singing from the same sheet.

Another common issue is what happens if you have been dating several people at once and have chosen to concentrate on one person and stop seeing the rest. In general, it’s assumed that if you’ve dated someone in person for one or more dates, you ought to let her know why it is that you’re not going to see her anymore, rather than disappear without a trace. Some women still disappear, but that is pretty much universally considered bad practice. On the other hand, rules are somewhat more vague when it comes to what you should do with women you are yet to meet in person. It’s all too common for people to exchange promising messages online and then disappear, leaving one person to wonder what has gone wrong.

So rather than unintentionally feed people’s insecurities, it’s best to take the time to send a quick note to explain things and wish the other person good luck in her search. It may seem like a small and somewhat unnecessary step, but it could really make a big difference.

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